3 Magical Books for Dealing with Change
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Nothing is permanent.
The universe you and I have come to exist in, the world we share for better or for worse, is ever changing and impermanent.
There is absolute beauty in impermanence, a renewal and rebirth is always waiting around the corner. You have been given the innate gift to wake up another day, and start fresh in whichever ways are in your control. You can show up and take it as it comes.
When things are going badly, you can remind yourself of this simple truth, that things eventually have to get better, it’s just the law of the universe. This isn’t to say that people suffering terribly are suddenly going to be alleviated of all their problems through blind faith, this is just to say that there are at least moments of light, however fleeting or not. When things are going well, you must take time to appreciate them, to express your gratitude and bask in the rewarding season, knowing it may not last, and accepting it.
The root of all mental suffering is desire. Desire for things to be different than they are, have been, or will be. It is the opposite of acceptance.
“It may look as if the situation is creating suffering, but ultimately this is not so - your resistance is.” - Eckhart Tolle
The world is a place of opposites, or polars, of yin and yang. Recognizing that is important in surrendering to the fact that without one, we could simply not have the other. Without suffering, you would not know light. Without light, you would not know suffering. You’ve heard it countless times before. We have no other choice but to take it as it comes, and react in the best way we know how.
“It’s all right now, but later?... Forget it baby that’s later, now is NOW. Are you going to be here or not?” - Ram Dass
And you are here another day. And I am happy you’re here.
Sometimes when I am feeling overwhelmed, powerless, or lost, I sit down and force myself to open a book, typically something uplifting, whimsical, maybe illustrated. Reading forces me to be in the moment.
Below are three books I have come to adore that help my mindset whenever I am feeling in my head too much!
I hope today’s blog reminds you that you are never alone in your suffering, and that it is temporary. Feel free to message me if you’d ever like to talk about life, philosophy, or spiritual modes of thinking. I love these topics and I am ALWAYS looking to gain wisdom and knowledge on this journey. What do you do when you’re feeling overwhelmed?
Comment your favorite spiritual, philosophical, or even fictionally adjacent books below! I would love to check them out.
Thank you for reading!